Tuesday, December 1, 2015


"For the most part, companies are legally free to develop whatever channel arrangements suit them. In fact, the laws affecting channels seek to prevent the exclusionary tactics of some companies that might keep another company from using a desired channel." (Marketing: An Introduction 10th Edition page. 327) Caribbean, South America, and Southern Asia will start off as my only places to distribute my product. Then once the product has gained momentum in popularity, I will branch it out to other regions and produce an even larger profit and charity fund. This will also prevent other companies of a similar product to make as much of a profit as mine.

"Many producers and wholesalers like to develop exclusive channels for their products. When the seller allows only certain outlets to carry its products, this strategy is called exclusive distribution." (Marketing: An Introduction 10th Edition page. 327) This will be the initial plan in the beginning. Because I believe that it would be best, marketing-wise, to sell in only a few places first, than to try and sell world wide with a large budget and not making a dime.

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